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Baby Love

od Jacqueline Wilson z vydavateľstva Slovart 2022 EN jazyk

Baby Love

od Jacqueline Wilson z vydavateľstva Slovart 2022 EN jazyk

Autor: Jacqueline Wilson
Vydavateľstvo: Slovart
Rok vydania: 2022
EAN: 9780241567111
Počet strán: 496
Typ tovaru: mäkká
Jazyk: anglický
Rozmery: 216 x 153
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
Bežná cena 14,95 €
Naša cena 11,79 €
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Viac o knihe Baby Love (Jacqueline Wilson)

"Jacqueline Wilson understands the complex interpersonal relationships of teenagers so well and writes with an unparalleled realness and rawness. I loved this book. It was heartbreaking but warm, unflinching yet somehow cosy.Nobody writes like Jacqueline Wilson. Long may she reign! I couldn't get the characters out of my head." - Holly BourneA heartbreaking, compelling and timely story for older readers about teen pregnancy and its consequences, family trouble and unlikely friendships, set in 1960. When Laura meets a French exchange student, Leon, she is flattered by his interest in her.She's never had any sort of boyfriend before. One night, Leon walks Laura home - and her life will never be the same again.Things start to change for Laura - first her moods, and then her body. Laura isn't prepared for what she learns next - and doesn't even know how it could have happened.When her family learns her secret, they are horrified.Sent away to save them from shame, Laura meets girls just like herself, whose families have given up on them - and they become a family for each other at the most difficult time in all their lives.An emotional and moving tale for fans of Dear Nobody and Juno.Not suitable for younger readers


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Baby Love (Jacqueline Wilson)Tajomstvá hmyzu (Jacqueline Wilson)