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Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball

od Jan Opatřil z vydavateľstva Kapřík Metlík publishing apríl, 2021 EN jazyk

7,71 €

Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball

od Jan Opatřil z vydavateľstva Kapřík Metlík publishing apríl, 2021 EN jazyk

Autor: Jan Opatřil
Vydavateľstvo: Kapřík Metlík publishing
Rok vydania: apríl, 2021
EAN: 9788090670198
ISBN: 978-80-906701-9-8
Počet strán: 48
Typ tovaru: Pevná väzba bez prebalu, lesklá
Jazyk: anglický
Rozmery: 210,0x297,0x0,0 mm
Žáner: Beletria (do 10 rokov)
Vydanie: 1
Tovar posielame do 5 pracovných dní
Objednajte dnes do 13:30 a tovar pravdepodobne odošleme v stredu 24.4.2024
Bežná cena 9,88 €
Naša cena 7,71 €

Akcia: Diáre a kalendáre k nákupu nad 20 €

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Viac o knihe Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball (Jan Opatřil)

Madeleine the Little Pike is a rascal. She gets her teeth into anything that moves and is responsibly getting ready for the lonely life of a water predator. One day, her mum got caught by a fisherman. Madeleine is left alone and starts to crave friends. But how can she find friends when she has such sharp teeth and everyone is afraid of her. Madeleine sets off for a journey across the lake and realises that she will first have to change herself to find friends. But is it at all possible for a predacious pike to befriend her prey? What is she to eat then? And what is the role of the rainbow ball in the story? The story of Madeleine the Little Pike will gladden your heart. And thanks to wonderful illustrations, you will feel as if you yourself were under the water. If you like nature, fish and happy endings, this book is the right one for you.


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Madeleine the Little Pike and a rainbow ball (Jan Opatřil)