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The Dictator's Learning Curve

od Dobson, W. J. z vydavateľstva Random House UK 2013

The Dictator's Learning Curve

od Dobson, W. J. z vydavateľstva Random House UK 2013

Autor: Dobson, W. J.
Vydavateľstvo: Random House UK
Rok vydania: 2013
EAN: 9780099578321
Počet strán: 352
Typ tovaru: Brožovaná väzba
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
Bežná cena 12,50 €
Naša cena 9,12 €
Kúpou tohto produktu získate 0,53 bodov

Akcia: Diáre a kalendáre k nákupu nad 20 €

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Viac o knihe The Dictator's Learning Curve (Dobson, W. J.)

From Tahrir Square to the Kremlin, downtown Caracas to the Forbidden City, we have witnessed an incredible moment in the war between dictators and democracy. The problem is that today's authoritarians are not like the frozen-in-time, ready-to-crack regime of North Korea. They are ever-morphing, technologically savvy, and have replaced more brutal forms of intimidation with subtle coercion. But as dictators have become more nimble, so have the inspiring people who oppose their rule. The Dictator's Learning Curve explains this historic moment and offers hope for the future of freedom.


Dievča v Auschwitzi
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The Dictator's Learning Curve (Dobson, W. J.)