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EPR: English for Health Science Students Book

od Milner, M. z vydavateľstva Cengage Learning Services 2005

EPR: English for Health Science Students Book

od Milner, M. z vydavateľstva Cengage Learning Services 2005

Autor: Milner, M.
Vydavateľstvo: Cengage Learning Services
Rok vydania: 2005
EAN: 9781413020892
Počet strán: 106
Typ tovaru: Brožovaná kniha s CD
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
Bežná cena 15,70 €
Naša cena 13,97 €

Akcia: Diáre a kalendáre k nákupu nad 20 €

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Viac o knihe EPR: English for Health Science Students Book (Milner, M.)

Suitable for university students at intermediate level who want to use their English for international communication in Health Sciences fields. * Medical language is presented and developed through a variety of integrated four-skills activities reolving around diferent case studies. * Job-related situations such as diagnosing, treating and referring patients give students the opportunity to practice English in professioanl contexts. * A grammar resource is provided for review and self-study. * A picture dictionary and glossary highlight common and more challenging medical vocabulary. * An international English audio program with a variety of American, British and non-native accents trains the listening skills required in today´s global community. * A comprehensive Teacher´s Resource Book provides teachers with photocopiable test materials, step-by-step teaching notes, answer keys and photocopiable activities to extend reading, writing communication and grammar skills.


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EPR: English for Health Science Students Book (Milner, M.)